I am not a Ghost Hunter....are they Hunting Me?
I have shared some (by no means all) of my earliest remembered paranormal experiences. Part of me wishes I could tell you they were all in my past. I am not afraid of them but they do keep popping up. Where I live now is a perfect example.
I moved from central Florida to rural Alabama in the past year. I needed to make a change, clear my head, and overcome some bad decisions. My sister offered me her spare room and I took her up on it. Within a week of moving in, I saw a 'shadow figure' move down the hall. Items like car keys or TV remotes disappear and then turn up in odd places. It is not unusual to hear a strange voice call you by name. On the surface it appears to be Typical Poltergeist activity but we have no young people living here.
I am not sure I believe that every haunting is an attempt by Satan or his Demons to steal your soul. I am not sure I believe or disbelieve in Angels or Demons even though I was educated in Catholic schools and was fairly religious in my teens. In fact, I feel that most of the paranormal things I have seen seem more like children or puppies trying to get attention. Maybe I feel this way because I am also Part Blackfoot Native American. I was taught by my Grandmother not to fear spirits, some of them may be trying to help you.