Friday, May 9, 2014

I am not a Ghost Hunter....are they Hunting Me?

     I have shared some (by no means all) of my earliest remembered paranormal experiences.  Part of me wishes I could tell you they were all in my past.  I am not afraid of them but they do keep popping up.  Where I live now is a perfect example.


     I moved from central Florida to rural Alabama in the past year.  I needed to make a change,  clear my head, and overcome some bad decisions.  My sister offered me her spare room and I took her up on it.  Within a week of moving in, I saw a 'shadow figure' move down the hall.  Items like car keys or TV remotes disappear and then turn up in odd places.  It is not unusual to hear a strange voice call you by name.  On the surface it appears to be Typical Poltergeist activity but we have no young people living here.


     I am not sure I believe that every haunting is an attempt by Satan or his Demons to steal your soul.  I am not sure I believe or disbelieve in Angels or Demons even though I was educated in Catholic schools and was fairly religious in my teens.   In fact, I feel that most of the paranormal things I have seen seem more like children or puppies trying to get attention.  Maybe I feel this way because I am also Part Blackfoot Native American.  I was taught by my Grandmother not to fear spirits, some of them may be trying to help you.

Thursday, May 8, 2014


     I think it was  the author Arthur C. Clark who first said "magic is just science we don't understand yet".  Could there be some future explanations for the unexplained?   I would like to toss a few ideas out there and would love to here yours as well.

Mind Reading

     Some of you remember transistor radios.  For those who do not, they were small hand held AM radios with a tiny speaker that you could listen to your favorite radio stations on.  Almost everyone had one.I remember how mine would buzz and hum if you got near an electrical power source.  Each power source produced its own kind of static, small ones like extension cords just caused mild static and large ones like high voltage power lines had a unique HUMMMMM.     Our bodies produce electricity on a small scale.  When you touch something, a very small electrical impulse flows along your nerves to your brain.  The brain decodes them and you "feel" what you have touched.  WHAT IF  a mind reader is just someone who can pick up the "static" caused by someones electrical impulses and decode them????  Kind of like a biological version of radio or television.   


     Religion teaches us that we have two parts Body and Soul.    The body is easy enough for science to study it is a physical item, but what of the soul?  Science has not been able to prove or disprove  the existence of the human soul.  Religion and philosophy maintain that the soul is immortal, everlasting.  WHAT IF the "soul" is the "energy source" of the human body???   Science teaches us that Energy is not created or destroyed but can change form.  So is it possible that the "energy source" of the human body survives after the death of the body and transforms into the "ghosts" people see??